List of non manual markers
palm orientation
non manual elements
non manual features
non manual marker asl
what are the 3 non-manual behaviors of a wh-question?
non manual markers for yes/no questions
3 non manual markers associated with distance
non manual markers for distance List of non-manual markers of coordination In these subsections the grammar writer is advised to describe the non-manual markers found in differentNon-manual signals or NMS for short (also, non-manual markers or NMMs) are grammatical and semantic features other than hands. They include mouth morphemes, shoulders, and body, this list constitutes a large num-. ber of potentially independent articulators multiple functions that non-manual signals fulfill. pattern over time. It is a commonly accepted intuition that linguistic. non-manual signals have grammaticalized from emo-. tional facial expressions, but few Mood is often realized by nonmanual features as well. In ISL, for example, we find so-called 'manner markers'. Matthews & ?OBaoill (2000: 162) list four facial. Non-manual markers consist of the various facial expressions, head tilting, shoulder raising, mouthing, and similar signals that we add to "signs" (such as are
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